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December 2015

Call for Proposals Feasibility Studies for Regional Digital Manufacturing Innovation Hubs

Deadline: 16 December 2015 at 17:00 (CET)     

‘Factories of the Future’ initiative I4MS has opened a call to request proposals for the development of feasibility studies to establish Regional Digital Manufacturing Innovation (RDMI) hubs. The aim of the call is to expand the coverage of I4MS to regions that are not currently participating in the initiative.

Feasibility studies will present a solid plan for creating an RDMI hub in a region by a consortium of relevant organisations and should include a plan for financing such a hub. I4MS partners will provide mentoring and coaching services to the selected innovation hubs.

This call will select up to 3 pioneer projects that will act as pilot projects. A second call which aims to select around 25 additional projects is foreseen for January 2016.

This call is aimed at consortia of organisations that show expertise, infrastructure and a preliminary network in the I4MS domain in regions where there is no or limited I4MS competence centres planned or present.

Funding will be provided up to €50,000 for direct costs and travel. The project time frame including mentoring and coaching and the development of a solid plan for the regional hub will be 6 months.

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