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October 2015

EC Published Robotics Call / Brokerage Day, 18 Nov in Brussels

During the ICT-2015 Conference last week, the European Commission published the final text for the Robotics Calls ICT-25 "Advanced robot capabilities research and take-up":


ICT-26 "System abilities, development and pilot installations":

The deadline for submitting proposals is 12 April 2016.

To inform interested individuals and allow for building consortia, euRobotics organises Brokerage Day 2015 which will take place on 18 November 2015, starting at 9 am at the Brussels EXPO, Auditorium2000 (Place de Belgique 1, Brussels, Belgium, next to the Atomium). The robotics community is welcome to attend.

The Brokerage Event is to bring together over 300 stakeholders from the robotics field throughout Europe to meet and discuss potential project ideas and network.

You can:
- bring posters representing your ideas;
- make teaser presentations.

An online brokerage tool will be made available to all attendees, please check any information about this tool on

The event will allow participants to make new contacts and find partners, especially during face to face matchmaking meetings.

Attending the brokerage event is an excellent opportunity to receive in-depth information on the Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2016-2017 in the area of Robotics ICT, but also present your ideas and form new consortia for proposals.

9:00 - Opening and possibility to hang up posters (coffee available)
10:30 - Presentations of the Call
12:00 - Lunch Break and visit at posters
13:00 - Teaser presentations
16:30 - End

DEADLINE for registration is: 13 November 2015


EUnited - European Engineering Industries Association,
BluePoint Building, Boulevard A. Reyers 80, , 1030 Brussels, Belgium, +32 27 06 84 21
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