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Municipal Equipment News 

5th December 2022

Now available: EUnited statement - trilogue on Machinery Products Regulation concerning “manually loaded trucks”

In view of the next trilogue negotiations of European co-legislators on the machinery products regulation on 15 December 2022, EUnited’s Municipal Equipment manufacturers remain concerned about the proposed listing of “Manually loaded trucks for the collection of household refuse incorporating a compression mechanism” under future regulation.

The current proposed listing of these vehicles would mean that manufacturers (of which many are SMEs and European members of EUnited) would no longer be allowed to self-assess their vehicles based on Harmonized Standards, and would instead be forced  to use third-party certification under the new regulation.

Given that EUnited members have already been working hard with experts to introduce significant, additional safety features and substantial improvements in the applicable Harmonised Standards (EN 1501-1:2021, -2, -3 and -5), the current listing of these vehicles in the proposed regulation is unnecessary. Indeed, mandatory third-party certification would only increase complexity and costs for European SMEs, who already under significantly pressure due to the ongoing health and economic crises as well the more recent energy crisis.

EUnited has today contacted the rapporteur and shadows in the European parliament, calling for trust in European manufacturers’ abilities to self-assess their machinery based on the latest Harmonised Standards.

Read the full statement here.



EUnited - European Engineering Industries Association,
BluePoint Building, Boulevard A. Reyers 80, , 1030 Brussels, Belgium, +32 27 06 84 21
Transparency Register number: 0289344948-82
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