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December 2014

Brokerage Event and General Assembly of euRobotics Members

On 9 December 2014, at the Brussels Expo - The Brokerage Event, organised by euRobotics, brought together around 300 stakeholders from 30 countries - ranging from component manufacturers and academics to end-users. Participants had the opportunity to network, make new contacts and propose over 50 potential project ideas during face to face matchmaking meetings.

Furthermore, attending the brokerage event provided an excellent opportunity to receive in-depth information on the recently published Call for robotics (ICT24), but also form new consortia for proposals.

The Introduction to ICT 24 Call and rules for participation was supported by presentations from Juha Heikkila and Cécile Huet from the Robotics Unit of DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology (DG CONNECT).

For details of the Call refer to the website of the European Commission:

This event encompassed the General Assembly of euRobotics AISBL, which was planned such that the “private” side of the Partnership, i.e., the members of euRobotics AISBL, ratifies input to the robotics Calls 3 and 4 (2016/2017) as a result of the roadmapping process, of which the Topic Groups of euRobotics AISBL have a major share. Non-members were allowed to witness the General Assembly.

euRobotics AISBL is the “private” partner of the European Commission in the Public-Private Partnership in Robotics, called SPARC. 

EUnited AISBL- European Engineering Industries Association,
Industrious Brussels EU District, Avenue des Arts 6-9, 1210 Brussels, Belgium, +32 490 57 57 65
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