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December 2014

Call for "2015 euRobotics Technology Transfer Award"

The aim of the Technology Transfer Award is to showcase the impact of robotics research and to raise the profile of technology transfer between science and industry. Outstanding innovations in robot technology and automation that result from cooperative efforts between research and industry are eligible for the prize. Cash prizes (a total of €6000 sponsored by EUnited Robotics members: ABB, KUKA, COMAU, GÜDEL and SCHUNK) as well as signed certificates will be awarded for the best applications.

Applications are invited from individuals or teams from:
• Industry, if technology transfer has taken place in Europe.
• Universities, research organizations and laboratories that are located in Europe.

The complete application should be sent to Martin Haegele ( by Sunday, 01 February 2015.

Please see attachment for more details.

The presentations and the ceremony for the 2015 euRobotics Technology Transfer Award will take place at the 2015 European Robotics Forum in Vienna, most likely on 12 March 2015 (exact date and location to be communicated).

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