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April 2015

Industrial Robots Break Worldwide Sales Record

Based on the preliminary results of the 2014 global statistics on industrial robots, the International Federation of Robotics (IFR) estimates that about 225,000 units of robots were sold in 2014, an increase of 27% over 2013.  "Global demand for industrial robots in 2014 reached more than 200,000 units for the first time.  Strongest drivers of the growth were the automotive industry followed by the electronics industry." said Arturo Baroncelli,  President of the International Federation of Robotics (IFR) and Managing Director at Comau Robotics.

New peak levels in all regions
The main impulse came from Asia, particularly China and South Korea. In total, about 140,000 units were sold in Asia, by far the highest volume ever recorded. Robot sales to the Americas and to Europe also reached new peak levels.

Increase in all major markets - China and South Korea on top
China was again by far the largest market destination for industrial robots in 2014. About 56,000 units were sold, 54% more than in 2013. Thereof, Chinese robot suppliers delivered 16,000 units and the international robot suppliers delivered about 40,000 units. Due to considerable investments of the automotive industry, South Korea was the second largest destination with about 39,000 units. It was followed by Japan, the United States and Germany. The five largest robot markets represent 75% of the total global sales in 2014.

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