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March 2015

New euRobotics Board of Directors Elected During ERF2015

This year's European Robotics Forum took place in Vienna, Austria, March 11-13, 2015.  ERF is the largest gathering of all robotics stakeholders in Europe,  including academia, research institutes, politicians, investors, and industrialists.  About 600 people attended the three day event which offered 40 workshops running in 4 parallel tracks, and a few plenary sessions.  

The euRobotics General Assembly took place on the 2nd day of the conference.  This year's euRobotics General Assembly had a special significance since the election of a new board of Directors was on top of the agenda as well as introduction of the new Secretary General, Chris Bourillon, successor of Dr. Uwe Haass who finished his two year term at the end of February.

Five EUnited Robotics members have been elected to serve on the euRobotics Board of Directors.  In total, there are 24 directors serving a two year term on the euRobotics board:  12 from research and academia, and 12 from the industry.

The next European Robotics Forum will take place in Ljubljana, Slovenia, from the 21st to the 23rd of March 2016.

List of the newly elected euRobotics board members:

1. Baroncelli, Arturo   Comau 
2. Bischoff, Rainer   KUKA
3. Calva, Mauricio   Chevron North Sea
4. Champion, Renaud   Robolution Capital
5. Graham, Andrew   OC Robotics
6. Kerr, Geoffrey   Procter & Gamble
7. Koudelkova Deligemos, Petra   Aldebaran
8. Mayer, Mike   Schunk
9. Pegman, Geoff   R U Robots
10. Tomatis, Nicola   BlueBotics SA
11. Walker, Rich   Shadow Robot Company
12. Wappling, Daniel   ABB
1. Agirre Ibarbia, Jon   Tecnalia
2. Albu-Schäffer, Alin   DLR
3. Balaguer, Carlos   University Carlos III of Madrid
4. Bonsignorio, Fabio   BioRobotics Institute, SSSA
5. Hägele, Martin   Fraunhofer IPA
6. Martinet, Philippe   CNRS
7. Metta, Giorgio   IIT
8. Ollero, Anibal   University of Sevilla
9. Röning, Juha   Oulu University
10. Siciliano, Bruno   University of Naples
11. Stramigioli, Stefano   University of Twente
12. Vincze, Markus   Technische Universitat Wien

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