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June 2018

Evaluation of the Machinery Directive

The European Commission published an evaluation report on the Machinery Directive on May 7th 2018. The conclusion of the Evaluation Report indicates that the Directive is fit-for purpose.  However, it is clear that the Commission does intend to reopen/review the Machinery Directive despite the conclusions of the Evaluation. 

Initially, the Commission will launch a study to further investigate certain aspects of emerging technologies, such as issues arising from human-robot collaboration, “new type” robotics, and artificial intelligence, which are not explicitly addressed by the Directive. Two other areas considered critical are:

  • the need for better coordination between the Machinery Directive and other directives, such as Low Voltage Directive (LVD) and Radio Equipment Directive (RED) and;
  • the lack of market surveillance.

The Commission has stated that they are looking for a “soft revision” and do not wish to open up the whole text for a major revision. The intention is to turn Machinery Directive into a regulation in order to align it with the New Legislative Framework (NLF) decision. 

Current indications are that the EC will reopen the Directive probably towards the end of 2018, depending on the conclusions of the newly launched study, which will then follow the ordinary legislative procedure.

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